Hotel designed for cats

Kot Grino w hotelu dla kotów Kotel





Number of accommodation:






Accommodation 1

Accommodation 2

Accommodation 3

Accommodation 4

Accommodation 5

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We guarantee the higest quality of services for our hotel guests

Our guests

Chico w hotelu dla kotów w Krakowie

Kotel rooms

We offer exceptionally comfortable accommodation conditions for cats.
They will stay in spacious double-deck single rooms.

Every room is air conditioned and has a secured window or optionally access to a secured terrace, ladder, boxes, pillows, blanket, toys, litter bin and bowls, as well as a radiator for winter time.

Pokój dla kota z oknem, grzejnikiem drabinką i niebieską budką

Window room K2

1-2 cats

We offer eleven rooms of this type.

Minimum stay is 2 nights.

Terrace Room K2

1-2 cats

We offer two rooms of this type.

Minimum stay is 2 nights.

Window room K3

1-3 cats

We offer only one room of this type.

Minimum stay is 2 nights.

Window room K4

1-4 cats

We offer two rooms of this type.

Minimum stay is 2 nights.

Kotel in the media